Paul Mueller Company

Space Savings with Serving Beer Tanks

Ole pouring beer from Serving Beer Tanks

Optimize your tap room with Serving Beer Tanks

"Serving Beer Tanks make a lot of sense when you're serving beer on premise and you don't want to deal with kegs, or if you have a tight location and you need to put a lot of beer on the wall. There is no way we could fit that many kegs in this space."

Ole Pederson,
Mad Mole Brewing Owner

The Challenge

Moving from home brewing to owning and running a functional commercial brewery is a big step that requires a lot of resources and planning. This is no exception for Mad Mole Brewing owners Martin DeJongh and Ole Pederson. When opening up their brewery in Wilmington, North Carolina, DeJongh and Pederson only had 2000 square feet to build a brewery and create a taproom where customers could come in and enjoy their beer. With the space limitations there wasn't enough room for cold storage. This eliminated kegs as a serving option for Mad Mole, and lining the walls with bright tanks would quickly clutter the little space they had to work with. Mad Mole needed a better option for serving beer.

The Solution

The solution was simple: Paul Mueller Company's Serving Beer Tanks. These unique tanks with bag inliners answered all of Mad Mole's problems. Serving Beer Tanks utilize cutting edge technology that allows them to hold high-strength bag inliners, which create a self-cooling, bag-in-tank system that can be used directly in the taproom. The tank's horizontal design allowed Mad Mole to stack twelve tanks and fit them neatly into a small space eliminating the need for multiple bright tanks, cold storage, and kegs. 

"There's definitely a benefit, and for Mad Mole it's the space. We wouldn't be able to have this big of a taproom if it weren't for Paul Mueller Company's Serving Beer Tanks" -Neil Blake, Mad Mole Brewing

The Results

The Serving Beer Tanks offer many benefits to Mad Mole Brewing. The space and volume allow the brewers to add more options by serving twelve different beers at a time. The bag-in-tank system results in fresher beer than keg storage, less beer handling, and a longer shelf life. Once the beer is carbonated in the bright beer tank, Mad Mole is able to directly transfer the beer into the Serving Beer Tank. As it is stored in bags the beer maintains its carbonation and freshness until it is poured, served, and enjoyed by customers. 

"That's one of the coolest parts of these tanks, our co2 levels can be different for different styles, and still pushed with the same pressure air and have our lines balance for that pressure air. It just works very well." -Ole Pederson, Mad Mole Brewing Owner

See how Serving Beer Tanks can save your brewery space. Fill out the form below.

Optimal Brewery
Optimizing Space with Serving Beer Tanks
Quality Beer
Quality Beer that Customers Love
Serving Beer Tanks
Eliminate Kegs and Cold Storage
Neil pouring beer from Serving Beer Tanks
Serving Beer Tanks in the Tap Room